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News December 2022


Happy Holidays!


Music Students at Naco Elementary, Naco Middle School, and Greenway Elementary perform Christmas Music in December

Students at Greenway Elementary and Naco Schools performed Christmas music that they had been working very hard on this past semester. A public Holiday Concert took place at Lowell Jr. High School in Bisbee, and Naco Schools held an All School Sing-A-Long Assembly. We are grateful for the support of our community, and we appreciate Dr. Steve Barton and Ms. Liz Lopez for teaching these music classes.

All School Christmas Music Sing-A-Long at Naco Elementary

Greenway Elementary Music Students Perform at their Christmas Concert at Lowell Jr. High School

See more pictures and video on our social media on Instagram and Facebook

Thank you to our grantor Chorus America for providing this opportunity to our students!

It is important to us that students in our community have access to music education. The Bi-National Arts Institute believes in the transformative power of music!

Studying music has been proven to improve a student's ability to focus, and improve their academic performance. Music students in our local schools are given the opportunity to work together and gain self confidence in their music classes.

If you would like to make a donation to the Bi-National Arts Institute that will allow us to continue our mission to bring music education to public schools, please click the button below!

Your generous donation supports the programs we offer at the Bi-National Arts Institute and El Centro Café and Community Center.


Learn more about our grantor Chorus America!


Board Member Beth Henson Presents Revoltosos in Douglas

Board member of the Bi-National Arts Institute, Beth Henson, recently took part in three events on the anniversary of the death of the precursor to the Mexican Revolution, Ricardo Flores Magón. She presented her project, Revoltosos in Douglas, at the Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos sobre la Revolución Mexicana (National Institute for the Historic Study of the Mexican Revolution), the Museo de la Lucha Obrera (Museum of Workers’ Struggles), in Cananea, and at the Sociedad Sonorense de la Historia (Sonoran Historical Society). Her work can be seen on


Thank you for attending our Thanksgiving Potluck at El Centro!

Thank you to all who joined us at our Thanksgiving Community Potluck at El Centro Café and Community Center. It was a heart warming experience to express our gratitude together as a community, while enjoying each other's company and sharing a delicious meal.


Thank you for staying updated with our newsletter!

Until next time,

Your friends at the Bi-National Arts Institute



Bi-National Arts Institute

P.O. Box 686

Naco, AZ  85620

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The Bi-National Arts Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Bisbee, AZ. Working on each side of the U.S. Mexico border (Arizona and Sonora), we cultivate the arts through training, performance and exchange opportunities for the youth and adults of our region. As a catalyst, the Institute channels the creative expression of music, poetry, film and other media by celebrating our shared human experience across the border.

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